Using a custom fetcher with DrupalClient.
The `DrupalClient`
is available in `next-drupal ^1.3.0`
as experimental.
The `DrupalClient`
uses Next.js polyfilled `fetch`
as the default fetcher.
You can provide your own using the `fetcher`
Here's how you can replace the default fetcher with cross-fetch.
We're using cross-fetch instead of node-fetch because it is compatible with the built-in fetch and uses the same signature.
import { Experiment_DrupalClient as DrupalClient } from "next-drupal"import crossFetch from "cross-fetch"
const fetcher = (url, options) => { const { withAuth, ...opts } = options
if (withAuth) { // Make additional requests to fetch a bearer token // Or any other Authorization headers. }
return crossFetch(url, { ...opts, // Pass in additional options. Example: agent. })}
export const drupal = new DrupalClient( process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DRUPAL_BASE_URL, { fetcher, })